Why is it, that in the Year of Our Lord 2024, there are songs and albums that I purchase from Apple that do not contain the lyrics to the songs I’m listening to. On Apple Music. On my iPhone 16 Pro Max.
What. The. Heck?
Here’s an example. I’ve been exploring Pat Monahan’s music, both his solo albums and his work in the band Train. He’s a very talented artist and song writer. Which is why I want to read the lyrics why the song is playing.
I recently purchased Last of Seven, the Monahan solo rock album. It’s really good and there are several tracks on that record that speak to where I am in my life right now.
When I play the song Someday in Apple Music in iOS 18, 18.0.1 specifically, the Lyrics button is dimmed out. No reading along. Absolutely no Alan Karaoke sessions going on while I’m cleaning the house.
If I switch over to my Mac Studio, with macOS Sequoia 15, Apple Music (RIP iTunes), the situation is only marginally better. Apple Music on Mac doesn’t have the lyrics either. That makes sense because the song is coming from the same source: Apple. What you can do on the Mac, however, is add custom lyrics. This has been a feature of Apple Music, and iTunes before it, for years. The process is a like “jank,” as the kids say.
Find the track in your Apple Music library on your Mac.
Get Info (Command + i on your keyboard) to bring up the details.
Switch to the Lyrics tab. Click the Custom Lyrics checkbox.
Go to the web and search for the song lyrics.
Copy the lyrics from an ad-infested sketchy website.
Paste the lyrics into the Custom Lyrics box in Apple Music.
Clean up any ad or tracking HTML code that was embedded in the page you copied.
Click Ok to save your lyrics.
Pray to the Goddess of Perpetual Maintenance that Apple actually syncs the changes.
To be fair, for every Train track or album I have purchased to date, or any other major artist, the lyrics have been included. Well, mostly. I’m looking at you, Apple and Def Leppard. Why are the lyrics missing from Pour Some Sugar on Me from 2023’s Drastic Symphonies?!
So, what do I want to happen? I would love Apple and the record companies to get their acts together. As an Apple One Premier customer, all song lyrics should be included. Period. That plan isn’t exactly cheap. Tim Cook loves his sweet services money. I would like to have lyrics. The same is true for purchases made in the iTunes Store app on iOS.
But we know that Tim, Apple, and the record companies aren’t going to spend a minute on edge cases like this. So, my hope is that “Someday,” the Apple engineers working on the Apple Music app, not the service, will finally add an easy way to add lyrics to downloaded tracks on iPhone, Mac, and, yes, even the iPad. (The iPad Pro has great on-board speakers!)
This fall, Apple will be releasing the next version of macOS Sonoma (aka Mac OS 14), a name which still looks better as Mac OS Sonoma. While we are waiting for Sonoma to be released later this year, likely in October, here is a list of the features that I am looking forward to.
New Screen Savers
Apple is taking the popular screen saves from tvOS and officially bringing them to Mac OS. Prior to Sonoma, the only way to get the stunning 4k Apple TV screen savers on your Mac was to use the Aerial screen saver. (There is also a Windows PC version of Aerial if, like me, you are forced to use Windows at work.) The thing that I like best about the new screen savers in Sonoma is that the screen saver will become your desktop wallpaper when you return to your Mac and start working again. Hopefully this feature will help combat “wallpaper fatigue” that I feel from sticking with a small selection of wallpapers on my Mac. Hey, Microsoft, any chance you’ll bring the Bing Wallpaper app to the Mac?
Video Conferencing
The new Presenter Overlay video conferencing feature really looks cool. I like the effect of using the Mac’s built-in webcam to put you in front of the content you are sharing, like a slide deck. To be honest, I don’t do many PowerPoint presentations these days, but I like that the feature is there. Apple lists Presenter Overlay as a feature exclusive to Apple Silicon Macs, but if this feature comes to iPad Pro which also has Apple Silicon M1 and M2 processors, there is a good chance that I will start attending Zoom and Teams meetings from my iPad instead of a Windows PC.
Along those same lines, I like that Apple has added composition controls for the Studio Display webcam and an iPhone mounted atop of a monitor in Continuity Camera mode. The lack of controls felt like a miss to me and having them in Sonoma makes the feature feel more complete, in my opinion.
Password and Passkey Sharing
There is a reconning coming for passwords and third-party password managers in general. While I was able to get one other family member to use strong passwords and store them in 1Password, letting the less tech savvy people in my family to use strong passwords and a password manager has been, to say the least, challenging. With Apple’s support for passkeys and shared passkey sharing I am looking forward to an easy, fast, and secure way to share family login credentials so that others don’t have to think about managing them. Sharing a strong passkey with my family, presumably via iCloud Keychain, should be a good balance between ease of use and security.
Search Filters in Messages
OMG, yes! When dealing with my kids, now young adults, everything is text messages and screen shots. Trying to find a needle in a haystack is easier, in comparison, to finding the one-line text message with the information that I suddenly need to deal with in a message that was sent weeks ago. I am looking forward to being able to narrow search results quickly with filters.
PDFs and Notes
Clearly, I have not been using the Notes app to its fullest potential. I never thought to stick a .pdf file inside a note. Files live in the Finder on my Mac or in Files on my iPad Pro. Call me old school, but I still organize files in folders using the physical desktop and file cabinet metaphors from the early days of GUI computing. At best, I might stick an iCloud Drive web link inside a note. But with the new PDF support being built into Notes, you will be able to open and view .pdf files attached to a note. Additionally, you will be able to annotate the .pdf file. And, if you need more editing features, the ability to use the Share function to send a Note to Apple’s Pages app is really interesting. I don’t think I have any notes that have a lot of text in them that I would need to send to a word processor, but then I think about kids today and how they might be using the Notes app for schoolwork. There have been times my kids would write papers in Google Docs from their iPhones during study periods so that they would have less homework to do later. This is not how I would have done it, but the power of computing is really in the flexibility to work how and when you want. With that in mind, the new .pdf, Notes, and Share (with Pages) look like nice quality of life improvements.
Keyboard, AutoCorrect Improvements, and Inline Predictive Text
With Mac OS Sonoma, and presumably the iPhone and iPad as well, autocorrect will show a corrected word with an underline. If you want to revert back to the original work, tap the underlined text and it will revert. I think that this will be a help when typing acronyms and terms used in business or social communities that are not in the keyboard’s dictionary. Predictive text also has the potential to cut down on typos, one of my biggest issues when using the iPhone keyboard. With predictive text, you can tap the space bar to auto fill the rest fo the word or sentence. I originally resisted this feature in Outlook and Gmail, but I have come to see it as a tool to catch and remove typos rather than a way to be lazy typists.
Gaming on Mac
With Game Porting Toolkit and Game Mode, Apple appears to be making a concerted effort to bring quality third-party games to the Mac OS platform. I sort of feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football that Lucy is holding. Apple has made attempts to get behind gaming on iOS/iPadOS/MacOS for years now and it goes nowhere. Even without a signed and notarized document from Lucy, I’m feeling pretty good about the possibility of AAA gaming coming to the Mac.
Tom Warren over at The Verge posted an article in early July that gives a good overview of what the new Apple tools are capable of. In short, the Game Porting Toolkit is a software development tool that allows game developers to run their existing Windows games on Mac OS so that they can see how they perform and then figure out what work is needed to fully port and optimize the game for Mac OS. Early results look promising.
It has been a long time since I have considered myself a serious gamer. Aside from playing Halo games on my Xbox 360 (the most current console I own), it has been well over 20 years since I played a triple AAA game on my personal computer. I don’t want to spend the time or money to build or buy a dedicated gaming PC and early-stage RSI issues are preventing me from holding game controllers for any long periods of time. Being able to play Halo, Medal of Honor, or Call of Duty – natively – on my Mac Studio would be a great way to scratch and itch, then go back into a months long break from gaming.
What’s Next
There are a lot of big and small updates coming to Mac OS Sonoma this fall. Take a look at the macOS Sonoma Preview page on Apple.com to find the features that you are looking forward using later this year.
One of the interesting features of macOS is Content Caching.
Jesus Vigo, writing for TechRepublic, states that when Content Caching is turned on, the Mac will begin storing local copies of Apple software to speed up downloads to clients on your network.
The benefit to you is that software updates for your Mac and iPhone, for example, will download to your Apple device faster. Without Content Caching turned on, if you have, say, two iPhones (persona and company issued), once cached, iOS updates are downloaded from the cached copy on your Mac rather than having to go out to the Internet twice. The more Apple devices you have, the bigger the benefit to you is.
Some of the kinds of Apple software that macOS Content Caching holds, includes:
To enable Contact Caching, go to: Settings > Sharing > Content Caching = Checked
Once configured, devices running Mac OS X 10.8.2 or iOS/iPadOS 7, will be able to detect the local cache server and use the content cache. If you are setting up Content Cache for a school or enterprise network, you should use a wired Ethernet connection for better performance. If you have multiple subnets or need peer cache repositories, read the macOS What is content caching on Mac? online Help article.
Content Caching network map, Source: Apple, Inc.
Since the internal storage space on your Mac is expensive (you can’t upgrade your disk after purchasing your Mac), I decided to use the Options button to pick a USB attached external disk and carved out a 32GB cache limit.
If you are really interested, you can learn more about the Content Caching feature by clicking the question mark button in the lower right of the Settings window to bring up the macOS help. The plist file is /Library/Preferences/com.apple.AssetCache.plist.
While working on a vintage Mac repair and restoration project, I had the need to write some files to a microSD card. I put the card in the full-size SD adapter and inserted the adapter with the card into my 2015 5K 27-inch iMac. Nothing happened.
Then I remembered that it has been years since I last used an SD card in my iMac and it didn’t work then either. I take very good card of my Apple gear, so I know that I hadn’t knowingly damaged the SD card slot on my iMac.
The macOS System Report tool was showing that the card reader was present, so it didn’t seem like there was a hardware failure.
Maybe it is a software bug that crept in with macOS 10.15 Catalina in 2019 when 32-bit software support was dropped.
I started searching the web for answers.
It seems that Craig Villamor dealt with this issue all the way back in 2011. Villamor states that if an SD card does not mount to the desktop to reboot the iMac with the card still in the SD slot.
Holy cow, that worked!
Booting up my iMac with the SD card in the slot worked!
Villamor suggests that inside the SD card slot on the iMac, there is a switch that is used to register that a card has been inserted and tells the Finder to mount the card to the desktop. Sometimes, that switch becomes stuck.
Being impatient, I had already purchased a cheap-o USB-C SD Card Reader from my local Best Buy for use on my 2020 MacBook Pro. It wasn’t a total waste of money, as I don’t expect that my next iMac will have an SD Card Reader. The cheap-o reader will end up being just another dongle in my accessories bag.
A couple of recent segments on Relay FM’s Connected podcast titled Roast My Menu Bar and Roast My Dock had gotten me thinking about a weird way that I like to use Spotlight Search.
“Spotlight can help you quickly find apps, documents, and other files on your Mac. With Siri Suggestions, you can also get the latest news, sports scores, weather conditions, and more. Spotlight can even perform calculations and conversions for you.”
Spotlight was added to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger back in 2005. Back then, I was not a heavy user of of the tool. I would occasionally use it when I misfiled a document and wanted to quickly try and search for it.
Oddly, the tool that I did end up using, a lot, was a feature of Palm’s Web OS called Universal Search (Web OS 1.x), and its successor feature, Just Type (Web OS 2.x and 3.x). With Web OS, you would just start typing what you were looking for and the Palm Pre would look it up for you.
Web OS 2.x and 3.x Just Type search bar on a Palm Pre, Source: WebOSNation
Web OS Just Type search results, Source: WebOSNation
When I moved from the Palm Pre to the iPhone 4S with iOS 5 in 2011, the Universal Search muscle memory transferred over to Spotlight Search.
While Mac OS X Spotlight and Web OS Universal Search were meant to search for all sorts of things, both on the device and across the Internet, I fell into a pattern of using both technologies as a quick way to launch applications. First on my Web OS Palm Pre and then on my Macs with Spotlight.
On the Mac, Spotlight had gone from being a skinny search box in the upper right of the screen to a fully centered search tool that lives at the center of the Mac’s display. As the types of content that Spotlight could search, the search results became longer and longer. But for me, Searchlight would be considered an application launcher first and foremost as a quick way to launch applications without having to take my hands of the keyboard.
Spotlight Search in macOS Big Sur 11.x
In recent versions of Mac OS, now known as macOS, I found myself fighting with Spotlight Search for some system apps, like Snapshot, which also has an alias of ‘grab’. (The ‘grab’ alias also works in Microsoft Windows 10 and 11.) I’d want to quickly ‘grab’ a screen capture, pop open Spotlight with the keyboard shortcut Command + Space and type in grab. Rather than getting the Screenshot.app, Spotlight would often put a reference to something ont the web as the fist hit in the list. In past versions of Mac OS, applications would show up first in the list, but that wasn’t always the case in late version of macOS 10.x and Big Sur (11.x).
Spotlight Settings: Uncheck to declutter search results
In a recent fit of the machine is working against me rather than helping me, I opened the the Big Sur Settings app, clicked on the Spotlight preferences control panel and unchecked everything in the list except Applications and System Preferences. I may turn on the option to search for definitions in the Dictionary app, but for now, that option remains off.
So roast my Spotlight usage and preference settings. But for me, this is one time where I chose to customize my Mac to work for me rather than against me.
A lot has already been said about Apple’s new M1-powered Apple Silicon Macs. After two months of use, I wanted to share my thoughts on my new 13-inch MacBook Pro laptop with the M1 Apple Silicon chip.
The M1 CPU is the first processor in the new Apple Silicon line of processors. The Apple Silicon M1 processor takes over for Intel Core i-series processors that are commonly used in today’s PCs. After having announced the Intel to Apple Silicon transition at last summer’s WWDC developer conference, the first Macs running M1 have appeared: the 2020 MacBook Air, the 2020 13-inch MacBook Pro, and the new 2020 silver Mac mini.
The selection of the MacBook Air to receive the new M1 CPU caused me to raise an eyebrow. I was expecting Apple to add the new CPU to a Mac with lower sales volume. the MacBook Air, because of its low cost, is by far the most popular Mac that Apple sells. In my opinion, this speaks volumes to Apple’s confidence that the M1 is ready for prime time. In a November 2020 interview with The Independent’s Andrew Griff, Craig Federighi, Senior Vice President Software Engineering, said:
“We overshot,” said the exec. “You have these projects where, sometimes you have a goal and you’re like, ‘Well, we got close, that was fine.’ This one, part of what has us all just bouncing off the walls here — just smiling — is that as we brought the pieces together, we’re like, ‘This is working better than we even thought it would.’”
The move from Intel CPUs to in-house designed M-series CPUs is driven by three key business points. The first is that Apple wants to be in complete control of all of the key technologies that are used in their products. In Macs, this means the CPU. The second key driver has to do with the pace at which Intel has been able to make their CPUs smaller and more power efficient. (My apologies for the CPU nerds for the oversimplification here.) The final driver is Apple’s belief that the features on the Macintosh roadmap are simply are not possible with off commodity parts. Apple is able to ship the features that they do by designing hardware and software together.
From the outside the 2020 13-inch MacBook Pro looks like the last several models of MacBook Pro. Without close inspection, the 2019 Intel and 2020 M1 13-inch MacBook Pro look identical when placed on a table next to each other. Anyone hoping for a chassis makeover or the addition of new features like a touch screen, will have to wait for a future model.
On the inside, however, replacing the Intel CPU with the M1 has three major advantages. The first is that the entire computer feels zippy. In the two months that I have been using my MacBook Pro, never once have I yelled out, “Oh, come on!” like I am apt to do with my 2015 27-inch iMac when tasks take longer than I expected. The second is that the battery just lasts. Normally, we should roll our eyes at over-the-top vendor claims about battery life, but in this case, Apple’s claim is warranted. With average usage for personal and business tasks, the battery life is amazing. In my testing, the biggest battery drain on the battery was a non-optimized version of Microsoft Teams. In a one-hour meeting, where I had the 720p FaceTime HD camera (Apple, what year is it?) and a hot mic using a wired connection to a pair of Beats Studio headphones, the battery took a 10% hit. (Shortly after my Teams testing, an M1 optimized version of Teams was released and the battery performance did improve.)
Using Safari, Microsoft Office, Tweetbot, BBEdit, and several other common apps, do not appear to have an enormous impact on the battery like they did on my 2016 15-inch MacBook Pro with an Intel Core i7 CPU. And while I know that the 13-inch MacBook Pro has a fan in it, I have never once heard it. Maybe it’s my old ears. Or, maybe, I just can’t push the MacBook Pro hard enough to get the fan to kick on. This is true even when I am running the pre-release version of Parallels Desktop with the Microsoft Insider build of Windows 10 for ARM CPUs. Running a Windows 10 Pro virtual machine on my 15-inch MacBook Pro made the fans spin shortly after booting Windows. I just wanted to run Visio, not launch a Saturn V rocket.
Macs with the M1 processor run on the pre-installed macOS 11.0 Big Sur operating system. Big Sur has been written specifically to run on the M1 hardware. An Intel version of Big Sur also exists for Macs that have Intel CPUs. Big Sur has two software modules that help the M1 work so well. They are Universal Binaries, programs that are able to run on both Intel and M1 Macs, and Rosetta 2, a translation module that converts instructions from Intel-only programs into their M1 equivalent instructions. I unboxed my M1 MacBook Pro and started using it. It wasn’t until a few days later did I think to see if any of the apps I was using had been updated for the M1. In the early days of using M1, many were Intel versions. Over time, more apps have been updated as Universal apps. The only indication that I was running an Intel application under Rosetta 2 was a one-time message indicating that I needed to install the Rosetta module. Requesting users download the Rosetta module is likely due to the complexities of getting new hardware and software out the door – an already complex logistics problem further complicated by a global pandemic. I would expect that new M1 Macs purchased and delivered in 2021 will ship with this module already installed.
Rosetta first run module install prompt
There are two other software modules that allow M1 Macs learn new tricks. The first is support for iOS and iPadOS apps. I installed UsTwo Game’s Monument Valley as a test. iOS and iPadOS games and apps are installed from a special tab in the Mac App Store. The install worked just like any other app. The app launched and ran just like the Intel version of Monument Valley that I have installed on my iMac. The input for Monument Valley is straight forward tap and swipe when the game is running on an iOS device. On a M1 Mac, that translates into mouse clicks and click and drag mechanics. Your mileage will vary based on the apps you want to run. Some iOS app developers have opted their apps out of automatically being made available for M1 Macs. (I’m looking specifically at you, Netflix and Disney+.)
The fourth and final new module in Big Sur for M1 Macs is the Virtualization module. This module is specifically designed to allow users to run alternate operating systems. At the time of this writing, virtualization on M1 is still premature. I have been able to use the pre-release beta version of Parallels Desktop to install and run the ARM versions of Microsoft Windows 10 ARM Edition, via the Microsoft Windows Insider program, and Debian ARM64 edition for PCs. Both work well, however, as with all pre-release beta software, there are some bumps in the road. Again, your milage will vary depending on the hypervisor software and guest operating system software you want to run. Overtime, support for running guest operating systems will get better.
If the Parallels Desktop software is a leading indicator, be prepared to have to reinstall your guest OS and application software in your virtual machine. It is not possible, today, to copy over or convert an existing Intel-based OS to run on the M1. I have to perform fresh installs of Windows 10 Pro and Debian Linux and reinstall my apps. For me, this a deal breaker if you need to use Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion to run business apps on your Mac. For the time being, I will need to continue running Windows 10 Pro x64 in VMware Fusion on my Intel iMac to be able to continue to use Microsoft Project and Visio when working from home.
Overall, I like the new 2020 13-inch MacBook Pro with the Apple Silicon M1 CPU. The Mac boots up quickly and Touch ID is amazingly fast. macOS Big Sur has been running trouble free, but I do have a few software nits to pick, none of which are serious. The PC is responsive, and the Mac is waiting for me and not the other way around. I do prefer the extra Thunderbolt / USB-C ports on the 15-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros, but I wanted the new shiny toy, and giving up two ports was worth it for me. I also miss the larger screen and higher resolution of the larger MacBook Pros. This particular issue is addressed by connecting the MacBook Pro to a Dell WD19TB dock, which is connected to an old 27-inch Dell UltraSharp monitor.
Looking forward, I plan on using this MacBook Pro for a couple of years until the second-generation hardware comes out. In all likelihood, a 2020 Mac with an M1 processor will easily run for many years to come. Knowing myself, by the time late 2022 rolls around, I’m be looking to upgrade to larger MacBook Pro with a M2 processor in it with four Thunderbolt ports.
Windows Server Core, Windows 10 Pro, and macOS Big Sur in an AD domain.
It has been a long time since I build a Microsoft Active Directory lab environment. Years ago, I put together a test lab with physical white box machines that I built. The popularity of virtual machine technology makes all of that space hogging, wires everywhere, make your wife annoyed mess a thing of the past.
This will be the first in a series of posts about how I setup a virtual test lab using VMware Fusion on my Mac.
Microsoft Insider Programs
I have been dabbling with virtual Ubuntu machines over the last year or so, and I wanted to do something a little different. Microsoft offers IT pros a few of their products free of charge, for non-production use, of course, for training and development purposes as part of the Insider program. IT types who want to play along will be interested in the Windows 10, Windows Server (Core), Visual Studio Preview, and SQL Server Developer. There are also programs for Microsoft Edge and Office 365, if you are so inclined.
Make Up of the Lab
I’m looking for a playground so my requirements are pretty low. To build my virtual lab environment I will be using my everyday use 2015 5K iMac with a 3.3Ghz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 CPU and 32GB of RAM. Faster CPUs and more RAM is always better, however, in 2015 my needs were different. I am also running VMware Fusion Pro 12 as the hypervisor on my iMac. Due to the physical constrains of my iMac, not all of these virtual machines will be running all the time. Likewise, they will not be optimized for speed.
As a side note, anyone purchasing a new M1 Apple Silicon powered Macintosh – the 2020 MacBook Air, the 2020 2-port USB-C 13-inch MacBook Pro, or the 2020 silver Mac mini – will not currently be able to run virtualization technology like VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop because these apps haven’t yet been updated to work on M1 and Apple’s new virtualization technology layer.
For my initial lab setup, I plan on deploying the Insider editions of Windows Server Core, Windows 10 Pro, and then building an Active Directory domain to manage the environment. Then, I added a virtualized macOS 11 Big Sur VM. In the future, I plan to deploy an IIS web server on my domain controller and the developer edition of SQL Server on another AD member Core server. I will be using Microsoft’s RD Client for macOS to connect to the Windows machines. To network the virtual machines together, I will use the “Share with my Mac” VMware Fusion networking option. From my home network perspective, there will only be one DHCP1 IP network address being used (by my iMac) and each VM will get it’s own private IP address thanks to the magic of NAT2.
VMware Fusion 12’s Network NAT Option
For my next article in this series, I will discuss the setup process for Windows Server Core.
During this year’s Worldwide Developer Conference, WWDC, Apple announced the long-rumored start of the transition from Macs that run on Intel CPUs to their own in-house designed CPUs, currently referred to as “Apple Silicon”.
Apple Silicon features, source: Apple, Inc.
All of This Has Happened Before
If you are a user who came to the Macintosh platform during or after 2006, don’t worry. This is actually the third time Apple has made a big architecture shift like this. Apple’s first Macintosh architecture transition was in 1994 from the Motorola 68000-series processors, the ones that were used in the original Macintosh line up, to the PowerPC 601 CPU first introduced in the Macintosh PowerPC 6100. Then, in 2005, Apple again transitioned the Mac. This time from the PowerPC architecture to the Intel Core Duo architecture. The move to Intel processors also had a side benefit in that Mac could directly boot into Windows; something that had previously required special hardware cards or slow virtualization software. Clearly, moving from one processor architecture to another is something that Apple has some experience with. The move from one CPU architecture to another is an extremely complicated effort. Apple spends years planning for and laying the groundwork components for such a transition years in advance. For example, discarding 32-bit app support from 2019’s macOS Mojave was, in retrospect, a major leading indicator for the start of the Apple Silicon transition in 2020. Tim Cook’s words at WWDC 2020 carry the same message as Steve Jobs’ during WWDC 2005 right down to the dad joke about secret labs and double lives.
Steve Jobs talks about the Mac transition to Intel at WWDC 2005
Tim Cook talks about the Mac transition to Apple Silicon at WWDC 2020
Moving to Apple Silicon
Starting with the A4 processor, Apple has been designing and using their own special blend of CPUs. Apple’s custom purpose-built processes have been used in 2010’s iPhone 4 and the original iPad. Apple has continued to press their custom processor advantage by building an in-house team of chip designers that has powered iOS and iPadOS devices to greater levels of performance year-over-year. Johny Srouji’s silicon team has been very, very busy.
One of the big advantages to Apple’s CPUs is that they aren’t just CPUs. Apple refers to their processors as “systems on a chip”. In traditional Intel Macs, there are discrete CPUs, graphics processing chips, known as GPUs, and RAM. For example, a current iMac will have an Intel Core i7 Coffee Lake CPU and will have to send messages between the AMD Radeon Pro GPU and memory. Communicating between these components takes time. Apple’s A-Series SoCs, including the first Macs running Apple Silicon due out late this year, give these machines a performance boost over those that use off the shelf commodity parts.
Using their own SoCs gives Apple another strategic advantage – they are able to develop key customer facing features such as Touch ID and Face ID which required the use of the technology that is found in the iPhone’s T2 secure enclave. While Apple didn’t specifically talk about future Macintosh products during the online only developer conference back in June, I expect the first Apple Silicon iMac to have Face ID. While today’s Intel-powered MacBooks have Touch ID, the current design requires a heavy amount of engineering to fully integrate the T2 co-processor with the Intel CPU. I expect that the first Apple laptop with Apple Silicon will have a much cleaner, streamlined implementation.
Besides performance, I am particularly interested in seeing where Apple Silicon Macs go in terms of customer security and privacy, machine learning (i.e.: high quality ML search results in large Photo libraries), and quality of life features (i.e.: Apple Pay and Apple Watch unlock).
What About Virtualization and Thunderbolt Support?
The switch over to Apple Silicon won’t be without tradeoffs and compromises during the two-year transition period. Since the announcement at WWDC, two big questions have come up about key features of Intel Macs.
Apple Silicon Macs running macOS 11 Big Sur will feature Universal 2, Rosetta 2, virtualization, and native iOS apps for iPhone and iPad, source: Apple, Inc.
The first is what about virtualization? Virtualization allows customers to run Microsoft Windows and other operating systems. Apple has said that their first party solution, Boot Camp, will only work on Intel-based Macs. For Apple Silicon Macs, Apple will be introducing a new virtualization layer and re-introducing key technologies from the PowerPC to Intel transition: Universal 2 and Rosetta 2. With Universal 2, app developers will be able to compile and deploy apps for both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs. Rosetta 2 will help protect customer’s investment in software by enabling software written only for Intel Macs to run smoothly on Apple Silicon Macs running macOS 11 Big Sur. During the keynote, Docker and Parallels were both specifically mentioned as a way to run containers and Linux virtual machines on Apple Silicon Macs running Big Sur. Since Apple Silicon Macs are based on the same processor architecture as iPhone and iPad, iOS and iPadOS apps will now be able to be natively run on new Macs without modification. This will be a boon for customers and developers alike as the number of apps and customers will increase.
But what about Mac users who rely on the ability to run Microsoft Windows for things like Active Directory management tools and Windows-only business applications, including Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio? Presumably, virtualization vendors VMware and Parallels will be working on solutions for Apple Silicon Mac. This, however, is not a forgone conclusion. Shortly after Apple’s announcement, Fusion developer VMware posted a question to Twitter asking how customers would use their software on Apple Silicon.
One possible solution would be Apple and Microsoft working together to bring Windows on ARM support to Apple Silicon and macOS Big Sur. Microsoft’s Surface X PC already runs a version of Windows 10 that has been optimized to run on a custom Qualcomm ARM chip known as the Microsoft SQ1 SoC. Such a deal could go a long way to virtualizing Windows on Macs similar to how Windows runs on Intel Macs today. At the very least, such a deal could be a leg up for VMware and Parallels products. Microsoft is working collaboratively to make sure that Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) are ready for Apple Silicon-powered Macs. Anything is possible from the sometimes partners and sometimes rivals. I like to think that there will be a solution for running Windows and Windows-only application on Apple Silicon Macs, but I won’t be counting on the ability to virtualize Windows on an Apple Silicon Mac into my buying decision at the end of the year.
At the tail end of 2019, Apple began shipping their new Mac Pro tower and Pro Display XDR. The Pro Display XDR, a several thousand-dollar professional workflow monitor, uses Thunderbolt 3 technology to connect it to compatible 2019 and 2020 Macs. The Thunderbolt 3 standard requires and Intel CPU and is one of the reasons why the 2018 and 2020 iPad Pro tablets have USB-C only ports. The good news is that Apple plans on protecting their customer’s investment in the 32-inch 6k display technology. Intel recently announced the USB-C 4 and Thunderbolt 4 standard, which is based on the same USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 connector port. Apple, in a statement to news outlets, said that, “We remain committed to the future of Thunderbolt and will support it in Macs with Apple silicon.” While Apple did not get into specifics of how they will bring USB-C 4 and Thunderbolt 4 to future Macs, we now know that existing and new peripherals based on the Intel standards will continue to be supported into the future.
Buying Advice and the Future
The announcement of Apple Silicon Macs and macOS 11 Big Sur make for an exciting time for Macintosh fans. Just as the transition to Intel CPUs unlocked better performance, Apple Silicon Macs will usher in the next decade of new features for customers.
With that said, the next two years are going to be in flux. If you are a tech enthusiast, then you are probably going to be like me and will want to get your hands on a new Apple Silicon Mac as soon as you can. As an early adopter you will not doubt run into some compatibility issues with existing software and peripherals. 2020 Apple Silicon Macs, after all, will be “1.0” devices. Apple Silicon hardware released in late 2021 and beyond will have the benefit of feedback from late 2020 and early 2021 Apple Silicon Macs. You should avoid buying a new Apple Silicon Mac with the hope that one day a feature you need or want will be supported.
If you are someone who just prefers the Mac, then buy the best Mac you can when the need comes up. Don’t worry about which chip is in your new Mac. You will receive years of support and trouble-free use for years to come.
If you are a professional who relies on the Mac to get your work done, you will have some decisions to make. If you find yourself working primarily in Adobe Creative Cloud products, Microsoft Office, and Autodesk Maya and Cinema 4D, you may be ready for the new platform. However, if you look down the list of software and features that just have to work flawlessly, then, your best bet is to stick with the Intel Mac you have today or purchase a new Intel Mac when you need one during the next 18 months.
The future of the Macintosh platform is brighter as it has ever been, and I am looking forward to the new features!