Clemens Schuchert has an interesting article on this blog, PUGcast The Blog, about Cisco’s forecast for global growth in mobile broadband usage. Some of the predictions are very interesting, including the one that suggest that Europe will overtake the United States in data usage by 2013. Mr. Schuchert writes:
“The engineers from Cisco are doing a brilliant job in provision the infrastructure to today’s data consumption. Now, Cisco’s researcher come into play and predict a strong groth of mobile data usage, as we can see today with iPhones (iPhoneOS), gPhones (Android) and soon pPhones (webOS).
The iPhone is said to produce an equivalent data conspumption of 30 2G/3G handsets alltogether. A notebook produces even 15 times more than the iPhone.
They not only present nice graphics to illustrate their arguments, this also indicates pretty much what carriers should be aware of in the near future – until 2013.
According to Cisco, mobile data usage is roughly by 125 TB (TeraBytes) per month, said to be strongly increasing to 2000 TB (2 ExaBytes ) until 2013.There are also demographoc factors, which have impact on data usage. Europe is identified as offering afforable data plans to sbscribers and this data usage is predicted to grow rapidly and stronger than Northern Amercian data consumption. The Asia Pacific region covering Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Honk Kong, Malaysia, etc. has the biggest consumption and in details it surely is Taiwan and Korea which are the key driver.”
Not surprising, some of the statistics that are cited in the report from Cisco include the continued growth of on demand mobile video driven by advances in wireless technologies. The report also sites that as much as 60% of global mobile data traffic will come from Western Europe and the APAC region. The sad truth is that many American’s don’t know how to use their smartphones and reading a book on how to use a phone is considered a waste of time.
You can read Mr. Schuchert’s full article, which includes a download link to Cisco’s whitepaper, on the PUGcast blog website.
[Via PUGcast The Blog…]
One Comment
polycom ip 550
Back then, I thought CISCO would lead the charge to the mobile generation, but it seems that CISCO is lagging behind in terms of mobile network services.