• apple,  ipad,  podcast

    Apple iPad Announcement Podcast Posted

    Apple has posted the podcast of the iPad announcement from last week. You can download the video to your Mac, PC, iPhone, or iPod by subscribing to the Apple Keynotes podcast feed.

    I skipped watching the iPad event as a streaming video so I can download the event to my Apple TV so I can watch it in my living room on a 42-inch TV. If you can’t see Apple’s keynote events live, then a TV in your living room is the next best thing.

  • apple,  ipad

    First Impressions of the Apple iPad

    Just saw that Jimmie over at GadgetsOnTheGo.net has a cool graphic of the iPad posted with a compact specs block.

    The iPad looks really cool, but I’m not sure I’ll buy one before I get to play with one at Best Buy or an Apple Store. Ya, let’s make that until I play with one at an Apple Store. Sure it’s an hour to the nearest Apple Store, but you kinda have to visit “the holy land” if you’re going to play with the newest Apple hardware and software and talk to someone who really knows the product inside and out.

    Regardless of what I do, I don’t see myself buying one of the cellular service editions of iPad. I really don’t want to have to put more money in the pockets of the phone company. I’ve been doing fine with my Wi-Fi enabled iPod touch. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m willing to bet that hi-def TV shows and movies, which I do watch often on my iPod touch, are going to look great on this thing.

    And while we’re talking about the “phone company,” it looks like Verizon is out in the cold again as Apple selects AT&T as their 3G cellular edition iPad partner. I mean why not? It isn’t like AT&T’s wireless network is getting over run by iPhone users as it is.

    Now for the part that is going to put me in the dog house for a few weeks: the price! How am I going to walk around the house toting this tech without my wife getting suspicious, checking the bank account, and finding out that I’ve dropped $600-700 on a new “toy” that I don’t need?!

    [Images courtesy of GadgetsOnTheGo.net, and Engadget.com]

  • apple,  ipad

    Jobs Introduces the iPad, Fanboys Go Insane

    At long last, the new Apple tablet computer has been unveiled and Apple fans go nuts!

    I have purposely been avoiding any leaked news about the iPad for the last few days because I like surprises. If you haven’t seen Jobs’ keynote address yet, you can watching a streaming video from the Apple website. I’m going to hold out for another day or so to see if it shows up in Apple’s keynote podcast feed so I can download it to my MacBook and then sync it up to my Apple TV connected to my 42″ TV.

    In the mean time, you can check out all the specs and gallery pictures over on the Apple iPad website.