Looks like Sprint isn’t the only one jumping the gun and prematurely posting details about Palm’s upcoming hardware. This time the mobile electronics retailer Elite-Electronix has posted what appears to be a pre-order page with the full product specs for Palm’s not-exactly-announced-but-we-knew-it-is-coming unlocked GSM Pre smartphone. The site also lists the unlocked GSM Pre as having a $599.95 USD price tag with an expected ship date as June 2009.
[Thanks to Mark for the tip.]
I want a Palm Pre to replace my Treo 680 and I want it on my AT&T network. Can I pull it off?
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
Hi Pauli,>>You will be able to get an unlocked Palm Pre which will likely be available on AT&T at some point. The article we're commenting on, I have learned, was untrue.>>Alan G
Alan – is any update re the ATT offering the palm pre?
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
As far as I know, at this point, it seems unlikely that the Pre will be coming to AT&T. Rather, the Pre's little brother, the Eos (aka the Pixie) will be arriving sometime near the end of the year (2009) or early in 2010.
Alan G