Not wanting to let it go, I’ve continued my search for answers about when Sprint might actually get around to certifying and releasing the BlackBerry Device Software 4.5 for the Sprint BlackBerry Curve 8330.
During my search, I stumbled across the Sprint discussion forums, There I found a thread titled, “Update on 4.5 code upgrade“, started by a Sprint forums administrator, SarahKS. In her October 17, 2008 post, the admin writes:
“Sprint would like to make its customers aware that it is currently in testing with the 4.5 code for a number of our BlackBerry devices. We understand that many of you are anxious to receive this upgrade; please note that it is very important that Sprint has time to adequately test and certify the code to ensure a quality experience for you, our customers. Once this process is complete Sprint will make this upgrade available as soon as possible.
We understand and appreciate the enthusiasm shown here at Buzz About Wireless and want you to know that we value your feedback and hope you will continue posting and letting us know what is on your mind. Please continue to watch this site about availability of the BlackBerry 4.5 code and other relevant news for Sprint customers.”
Ok, I get it. Sprint is telling us that they are working on the update, but have not committed to a release date. The admin being only a forums admin, has no specific information except what the software development team reports to her.
Another Sprint employee chimes in and writes:
“I just read today on another website that Sprint confirmed the release of OS 4.5 to sometime in November…which would mean we will be the 2nd carrier to release it in the U.S. (following the release at T-Mobile, USA)”
Checking the calendar on my Curve, it looks like the November date was missed.
On November 25, 2008, the forums admin posts another OS 4.5 update that reads:
“First off, yes we are still working to deliver the 4.5 software absolutely as soon as possible. We want to make it absolutely clear that Sprint is not sitting on its laurels here. We are working hard to ensure that the software you get is absolutely tip top and will do what you need (and nothing you don’t!).
Unfortunately the software is not quite ready. Right now Sprint and RIM are working together to make the necessary modifications to ensure you have the best possible experience. The good news is that we believe we are getting close to final software.”
The lack of MultiMedia Service (MMS) on Sprint’s BlackBerry devices is another hot topic from the looks of things. While browsing through that thread, I found a post by another Sprint employee dated November 29, 2008. It reads:
“The PictureMail update for the blackberries should come with the new OS update, that should also coincide with the release of the 8350i within the next few weeks. Interestingly Sprint seems to be skipping the OS 4.5 update alltogether and going straight to OS 4.6
EDIT: The OS update will be avalable for both the 8330 and the 8130, in addition to shipping with the 8350i.”
Well, well, well. Ok, so when will the Sprint BlackBerry 8350i for the iDEN network finally arrive? A quick Google search turned up this page over at Engadget Mobile dated November 17, 2008 that suggests that the new BlackBerry will be arriving the the cheers of iDEN users on, oh-ho, December 1, 2008.
Will Sprint’s BlackBerry customers get some love tomorrow and get a new BlackBerry and some new software updates? I don’t know, but I really hope so.