apple,  apple store,  ios 8,  iphone 6,  retail

Happy iPhone 6 Day!


Today, September 19, Apple released the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus to the cheering legions of Apple fanatics around the world!  Today, I was lucky to be one of them.

I don’t think all of these people are here for L.L. Bean.

The day started off with my arrival at the Danbury Fair Mall.  I didn’t think all of these cars were here for L.L. Bean.

The mall opened it’s doors at 5:00am to accommodate the crowds.  I think being inside really helped keep people calm and comfortable with easy access to food, drink, and restrooms!

At least this couple has breakfast.
This is not the line you are looking for.

Fortunately for me, I pre-ordered my iPhone last Friday in the 3:00am Internet shopping frenzy and this is the line that I got to stand in.  Sweet!

iPhone 6 reservations line is much, much more manageable!

There wasn’t as many lunatics who stayed up ’til 3:00am last Friday night to spend money on a phone smart people as I expected who pre-ordered their new iPhone.  After we saw the really long walk ins line, we were all pretty glad that we did pre-order last week.

I arrived at the store with Dad at 7:00am.  Waiting wasn’t going to be hard with Amber keeping us informed and the Coca-Cola vending machines stocked chuck full of cold bottles of Diet Coke!

Two knuckleheads in line.
Amber kept everyone updated.
Go figure, I was standing next to a case of Coca-Cola!

Just before 8:00am local time, all of the Apple Store employees were called inside for a pre-sale briefing meeting.

As you might have expected, the store staff came running out and counted down the final seconds until 8:00am!  While I was waiting to go in, I managed to get in a few selfies.

As with all product launches, Apple put up new window signs.  This one was a metal spiral ring around the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.  You can see the first batch of people getting their iPhones inside the store.

Once inside, you were paired up with an Apple specialist who helped you get your new iPhone, make sure you understand the new Apple Care rules (you now have 60 days to buy the additional coverage rather than last year’s 30 days), point out accessories if you needed them (I have my cases delivered to the house) and generally be there to answer any questions you may have.

Because I was crazy enough to stay up until the middle of the night to order a new phone, I was able to get a new iPhone 6 on launch day.  If you didn’t get a chance to buy an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus today, you’ll be able to get one in the coming days and weeks.  The iPhone 6, as cool as it is, is still just a phone at the end of the day.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, the unboxing photos.

I’ll see you again next year.  Stay hungry, stay crazy!  Thank you, Steve.