gps,  palm os,  treo,  windows mobile

Frugal, or Just Plain Cheap?

It’s fair to call me a technology junkie.  As in addict.  I can’t get enough when it comes to some of my favorite computers, tech companies, gadgets and toys.

I’ve lost track of how many Palm OS PDAs I have.  I have a Newton Message Pad and a Palm Foleo.  Throw in some iPods, BlackBerries, Treos (Windows Mobile and Palm OS), and an iPhone for good measure.

So, why I am I still using the ancient (read: 4 years old) Palm GPS Navigator kit and a Treo 755p for driving directions?

Like most cars today, when I purchased my car, I could have also purchased the in dash navigation kit; but it cost an extra $2,500.  I said I can buy a good window mount GPS kit from TomTom or Garmin for $200.  But I haven’t.  I’m still using the Treo and the Palm GPS puck.

Part of the reason why I haven’t upgraded is because it’s functional.  I like the interface, the 3D maps, and “Mandy”, my female digital co-pilot, and the GPS puck doesn’t rely on any cell towers for triangulating location – it talks with the satellites in space.  (I’m still amazed that such a small device that fits in my pocket can talk to a satellite orbiting the Earth.)

Sure, I can’t upgrade the maps on the bundled 1GB SD card.  I can’t download new voices, a feature that I do think I would use.

Am I being cheap?  Frugal?  I’d like to think I’m being frugal because the GPS kit still works.  But I think that the real reason that I have not upgraded to a new window mounted GPS kit is because, as much as I like to admit I’m a technology addict, GPS units are on the outskirts of my addiction.

[Photos via…]


  • Anonymous

    Hey Alan, AintNoSnitch here, just in case you forgot, I'm still not snitchin! Hope you're doing the same.

    I have a tom-tom gps unit as well, standalone, and I do refer to the voice as Mandy, so I share some of your sensibilities. I even continued to use her after I got my Android device.

    But then I got lazy. I would text myself addresses for places I would look up using google maps on my home computer. I realized I could just use google maps on the device and click 'navigate'.

    Got a car charger and a gps stand for mr droid. I would still prefer Mandy, but then, I found the true deal breaker for Mandy. Traffic. Navigation features alternate routes, and it shows which ones have traffic and lists time estimates for each. I cannot live in uncertainty anymore. Spoiled!

    One more thing. The turn by turn gps on these devices do use satellite gps, not celular triangulation.

  • Anonymous

    Hey Alan, AintNoSnitch here, just in case you forgot, I'm still not snitchin! Hope you're doing the same.

    I have a tom-tom gps unit as well, standalone, and I do refer to the voice as Mandy, so I share some of your sensibilities. I even continued to use her after I got my Android device.

    But then I got lazy. I would text myself addresses for places I would look up using google maps on my home computer. I realized I could just use google maps on the device and click 'navigate'.

    Got a car charger and a gps stand for mr droid. I would still prefer Mandy, but then, I found the true deal breaker for Mandy. Traffic. Navigation features alternate routes, and it shows which ones have traffic and lists time estimates for each. I cannot live in uncertainty anymore. Spoiled!

    One more thing. The turn by turn gps on these devices do use satellite gps, not celular triangulation.

  • iphone car kit

    It's good though that you did not purchase the GPS which was worth $2500. Better buy Navigators that are cheaper but work great. Anyway, using your phone as GPS is a brilliant idea.

  • electronics online

    “I like the interface, the 3D maps, and “Mandy”, my female digital co-pilot, and the GPS puck doesn't rely on any cell towers for triangulating location – it talks with the satellites in space.”- Though that makes little to no difference in terms of efficiency, I understand why you don't want to switch to in-dashboard GPS.