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Classic Updated to Version 2.1.2 (UPDATED)

I just noticed that MotionApps Classic is showing an update to version 2.1.2 in the Palm App Catalog. I checked the MotionApps blog, however, there was no mention of the update. My guess is that the 2.1.2 update is a bug and/or performance update for Palm webOS 1.3.5. However, without any comments or release notes posted to the MotionApps website or blog, it is hard to know what exactly the latest update brings.
I have installed Classic 2.1.2 on my Pre with Palm webOS 1.3.5 and I am able to run DataViz Documents To Go 11 Premium and Passwords Plus without issue. Astraware Bejeweled 2 and Solitaire, the two games that I have loaded in Classic, are also working as expected.
To learn more about Classic, and how you can use your Palm OS applications on Palm webOS smartphones like the Palm Pre and the Palm Pixi, check out the MotionApps website.

The good folks over at Motion Apps have dropped me a line to clear up what is addressed in the 2.1.2 update to Classic.

“This was a regular release bringing stability improvements mostly, the one we’ve been waiting for quite a while, mostly because the issues Classic had after [Palm webOS] 1.3.1.”

So there you have it. Classic 2.1.2 is a maintenance update. If you haven’t already done so, you can download the latest update to Classic by using the Updates application on your Palm webOS smartphone.

One Comment

  • MotionApps

    Hi Alan,

    this was a regular release bringing stability improvements mostly, the one we've been waiting for quite a while, mostly because the issues Classic had after 1.3.1.

    Anyway, we're still consolidating reports from the field before updating info on our website, but this is not a bug:) and feel free to contact us directly with any questions, any time.

    MotionApps crew