SprintUsers.com forum member TheRobin has posted what appears to be a promotional photo of the rumored pink Palm Centro that is expected to arrive on Sprint sometime in January or February 2008.
The information on the release date has been all over the map with rumored launch dates of January 6, January 13, and February 14 (Valentine’s Day).
Palm and Sprint are going to sell a lot of these things.
[Thanks to the anonymous tipster who sent this in.]
yeah they are definitely gonna sell a lot of them.>>i hope they are working on their problem with regards to their supply of the parts in making this phone, as they have suggested in their recent conference call.
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
Me too. And I hope that this CDMA Centro parts issues doesn’t also impact the rumored Treo 800w.>>Palm really needs to start executing to hit target dates. And it would seem that John Rubinstein is pushing to make that happen.>>And it looks like we’ll be getting a white Centro on AT&T. Any guesses as to what color(s) will show up on Verizon Wireless? Blue would be cool. And what about purple?>>Alan G