Improved battery life is one of the reported enhancements in Palm webOS 1.4.0. I’ve decided to put the battery improvements to the test.
It’s just after 2:00pm and my Pre has 100% charge. Wi-Fi is off, as is Bluetooth. I have one Gmail account (email, calendar, and contacts) configured to sync items as they arrive. We’ll see how things are going in a few hours.
Tyler K
I'm curious to see your results! I'll be testing mine out tomorrow when I embark on a “normal” day. Based on todays performance, things are looking much improved. Let us know what you find!
Retail Pro Talk
I guessing things did not go well with your test. I just upgraded my Palm Pre and now my battery loses its charge in about 5 to 6 hours. It used to last up to 12 hours.