Here is a huge thank you to the Sprint Team at my local Sprint|Nextel store for getting me setup with my new Palm Pre smart(er)phone! You guys are the best!
I've downloaded the Classic demo and I'll be delving into that app over the next day or two. I'm looking to get DataViz Passwords Plus running in Classic mode in short order.
I've also started looking into Palm's Windows and Mac OS X data migration tool and will report back on that soon also.
In Classic mode can you access memos, calendar,and contacts? and how would you get them into the Pre? I assume using drive mode, but what files would you need and where would you find them in the Palm Desktop?
I'll definitely take a look at those things. Right now, I don't have the answers to those things.
I know the names of the Palm OS 5 database files so I assume that I can copy them to a SD card with FileZ or Resco Explorer, and from there, I should be able to copy them over to Classic.
I do know that Classic is running Palm OS 5.4.9, a much newer version that we saw in some of the videos which showed Palm OS 5.2H, an old Handspring build of Palm OS.
I started looking into your questions about Classic, and I think all of the answers you are looking for can be found in the MotionApps FAQ for Classic. The link to the page is:
You will be able to import this data if you follow the MotionApps FAQ and load the Classic ROM update utility. After you install the update and restart Classic, you can put the files into the ClassicApps/Install folder to merge the database files into what would be RAM on a real Palm OS 5 device. You should be ready to rock-n-roll that point. I've just tested the import of all the files listed above and all of the data from my Treo 755p was imported directing into the PIM apps.
So far the Pre and I are getting along well together. I have been working with Palm to track some early issues around seemingly random signal strength (jumping from 1 bar of coverage to 3, to 5).
The Palm webOS software is working well and my Gmail account is syncing well. With Pre's new email client, messages that come to my Gmail account are delivered to my phone just as quickly as they where with my BlackBerry. That is a huge plus as I was really worried that the Pre won't be able to come close to matching the BlackBerry email experience.
All-in-all, I'm really excited about webOS on the Pre. And my Sprint team rocks!
Good luck with the Pre. I saw it at my local Sprint sore and was very impressed. They were sold out!
Can't wait for your review. Please cover Classic and importing PIM data
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
Hi Bill,
I've downloaded the Classic demo and I'll be delving into that app over the next day or two. I'm looking to get DataViz Passwords Plus running in Classic mode in short order.
I've also started looking into Palm's Windows and Mac OS X data migration tool and will report back on that soon also.
Alan G
In Classic mode can you access memos, calendar,and contacts? and how would you get them into the Pre?
I assume using drive mode, but what files would you need and where would you find them in the Palm Desktop?
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
I'll definitely take a look at those things. Right now, I don't have the answers to those things.
I know the names of the Palm OS 5 database files so I assume that I can copy them to a SD card with FileZ or Resco Explorer, and from there, I should be able to copy them over to Classic.
I do know that Classic is running Palm OS 5.4.9, a much newer version that we saw in some of the videos which showed Palm OS 5.2H, an old Handspring build of Palm OS.
Alan G
when you have time could you tell me the names of the databases in OS5?
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
I started looking into your questions about Classic, and I think all of the answers you are looking for can be found in the MotionApps FAQ for Classic. The link to the page is:
I'm going to try to test this stuff out, but my Jr. Podcasters keep on insisting that they help, which, as you can imagine, is slowing me way down.
Alan G
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
Here is the list of files that it sounds like you want to import into Classic, the Palm OS 5 emulator for Palm webOS devices. The core files are:
I also copied the following database files, which are completely optional.
You will be able to import this data if you follow the MotionApps FAQ and load the Classic ROM update utility. After you install the update and restart Classic, you can put the files into the ClassicApps/Install folder to merge the database files into what would be RAM on a real Palm OS 5 device. You should be ready to rock-n-roll that point. I've just tested the import of all the files listed above and all of the data from my Treo 755p was imported directing into the PIM apps.
Hope that helps.
Alan G
heyyy omg take this picture down pleaseee but we are an awsome team
hey alan how is the phone everything it was made out to be?? but the pic is horrible!!
Alan Grassia, Staff Writer
So far the Pre and I are getting along well together. I have been working with Palm to track some early issues around seemingly random signal strength (jumping from 1 bar of coverage to 3, to 5).
The Palm webOS software is working well and my Gmail account is syncing well. With Pre's new email client, messages that come to my Gmail account are delivered to my phone just as quickly as they where with my BlackBerry. That is a huge plus as I was really worried that the Pre won't be able to come close to matching the BlackBerry email experience.
All-in-all, I'm really excited about webOS on the Pre. And my Sprint team rocks!
Alan G