The Sprint Palm Pre launch guide for business customers has been leaked and in the process, even more details about the Pre have been detailed.
In the 23-page document, we learn that:
- Pre has a SRP of $549.99
- Support for Exchange Server EAS for PIM data synching
- Inviting people to meetings is not supported from the Pre
- Global Address Book lookup is supported
- Support for SSL encryption of Exchange Server email
- The Touchstone charger will cost $69.99
- A Palm vehicle charger ($31.99) and travel charger ($34.99) will also be available
- The current 450 minute Sprint Everything Data plan will be available for $69.99/month
- You must purchase a voice and data plan; SERO plans will not be allowed
- Pre will be an exchange only phone, no repairs will be done on site
- Documents To Go will be bundled in ROM to provide viewing capabilities
- Documents To Go will include editing capabilities in a future release (date TBD)
- You will be required to create a Palm profile account (required for multiple services)
- Software will be installed OTA only
- Palm will provide an OTA backup application/service
- A “kill pill” can be issued from a customers Palm profile web page
The leaked Sprint launch guide offers and interesting list of details that haven’t previously been talked about by Palm or Sprint. The inclusion of Documents To Go is a major plus. That is one application that I can’t live without and it my daily “go to” application.
I also like the idea behind the Palm profile. It sounds a lot like the now defunct MyPalm portal where customers where able to install applications to their device over the air (OTA), including the then beta Palm Backup application. From the new information gleaned from this document, it does sound as if the information that Palm learned from the beta tests of the MyPalm portal and Backup application will be leveraged to make the Pre and Palm webOS expereince even better for customers.
There is a lot to like about the new Palm Pre. I’m definately excited to get my hands on one of these phones and take it out for a test drive.
[Via Forums…]