
More Foleo Photos from GearDiary

The folks at continue to remind us of the canceled Palm Foleo by posting more screen shots of the Foleo’s applications and operating system.

I know that many of the readers of this site are true Foleo Fanatics and that seems to also be true of the folks over at Gear Diary. Looking at the photos, specifically the first screen shot of the web browser showing the Gear Diary website, you will see the article titled “Do You Tweet?”. I wanted to know how old this photo was, so I searched the site for the article, and I was surprised to see that the article “Do You Tweet?” was posted just a few days ago on November 14, 2007. Either these guys are really good at predicting the future or they have access to pre-production Foleo.

And that leave me wondering, just where are they getting their fantastic toys?

The Palm Foleo Interface via

[Thanks to my anonymous tipster who sent this in…]