
What Mobile OS Will Lead the Market

PUGcast the Blog editor Clemens Schuchert has published a poll recently asking his readers what mobile OS they believe will dominate the smartphone market space for the next few years. The results are interesting and highlight the differences between Europe’s and North America’s smartphone users. Now Mr. Schuchert has put out the call for smartphone junkies across the pond to jump in and have their voices heard.

“Thus, until now, two third of you believe iPhoneOS to be the most future safe mobile operating system. This underlines Apple success of the iPhone introduction about 2 years ago.

Followed by Windows Mobile, which even more than the half of PUGcast readers believe to be the one to run future devices with.

Sybian and Android is equal about 40 % and it’s hard to argue which one will succeed: Both are open source and address a huge developer community.

Surprisingly, Palm’s new webOS (the successor of 15 years old Palm OS), is only of interest for about one fourth of the readers, which leaves room for interpretation. Do people not believe in the new mobile operating system or do they simply do not know enough about it at this stage to argue about it’s future?

Let your readers tell us what they believe.”

You can cast your vote here.