I was reading an article on the Reuters’ website this morning and an article on Wal-Mart caught my eye. In the article, Reuters was reporting on how “Wally World” was revamping their electronics department in an attempt to bring in customers who had been formerly shopping at the now defunct Circuit City stores.
At the end of the short article, the following was written:
“Wal-Mart executives said the stores would soon offer Palm Inc’s Pre smartphone, a highly anticipated gadget. The retailer also is adding to its selection of higher-end televisions by manufacturers Sony Corp and Samsung Electronics Co, and broadening its array of movies, the newspaper said.”
It has been a long time since I’ve been in a Wal-Mart electronics department and I didn’t know if Wal-Mart has partnered with Sprint for retail sales. I’ll have to stop by one or both of the local stores to see if they carry Sprint phones. If they don’t, either the unnamed Wal-Mart executive was wrong or this could be an indication that a GSM Palm Pre might become available sooner than we originally though in the US. My personal guess is that a GSM Pre will go on sale here in the States late in 2009 at the earliest, with the first round of GSM Pre smartphones going to Vodafone first.