Has Motorola and Big Red suspended all OTA updates of Google Android 2.2 to their Android smartphones?
If MyDroidWorld and Droid-Life (link 1, link 2) are correct, there seems to be problems between the new Android OS and Adobe’s Flash Player, and Pandora.
MyDroidWorld writes:
“Motorola and Verizon are pulling all FRG Froyo builds and ceasing any current plans to update to Froyo. Seems there is a problem between Google and Adobe concerning flash, rights, and royalties. This comes as quite a surprise to us as it will others.”
Personally, I’m a little bit skeptical of that statement. You would think that Google and Adobe would have there ducks, and lawyers, in a row before the software goes out the door. I quick Google search, ya, I should have used Bing this time out, finds an article from Examiner.com that seems to backup the Google/Verizon/Adobe claims until you start checking the links and see that they reference MyDroidLife too.
So how about it Droid Nation on Big Red; are you getting your FroYo on? Drop us a line and let us know.